empowering moms through postpartum
Motherhood is beautiful. It is also a journey of constantly letting go and, accepting a new normal. It is a marathon, not a sprint. And as it is unique for each of us, we can support one another as we grow into these new versions of ourselves.
Just like the life transitions of puberty and menopause, we'd like to introduce the idea that all women after childbirth go through changes that create a new reality for them and they are in the season of postpartum: "post" meaning "after", "partum" meaning "childbirth". That postpartum is not just an acute period of time directly after giving birth that is only associated with depression, but rather, a chapter of life, just like how we assign a chapter to puberty, and just like how we assign a chapter to menopause, where we as a women change: physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
We're here to explore and empower motherhood through the postpartum lens. To recognize that women go through major transitions during this time and it's important to normalize it and speak about the day to day issues, challenges and changes that face mothers as they navigate their new normal. We are here to support and honor this chapter and create awareness around the fact that all mothers go through it, but we rarely acknowledge it.
Conscious Mama was created to help moms learn about themselves through this transition; making peace with the former versions of themselves, and welcoming the next version of themselves.
You're anxious and scattered in ways you never thought you'd be
You’ve been in survival mode for oh...how long now?
Your're not sure who you are anymore: "When am I going to get back to "me" again?"
You're "fine": "I'm fine. Everything is fine!" and you know you're definitely not "fine"
You resent your partner: "I just need a little help here!"
Sex? What sex?
How do other people manage all this?
And the list goes on....

What does
Conscious Mama mean?
Con-scious: aware and responding to one's surroundings; awake.
Motherhood can feel like a blur. We rush from one task to the next, whirling through the day, multi-tasking, never pausing to reflect or take stock. Years can go by like this and all of a sudden we wake up and we wonder where the time's gone, how did we get here, who are we?
To be a conscious human is to have a greater awareness of ourselves and the world around us. To surrender, to understand, to be present, to listen.
In this context, to be a conscious mama is to listen to ourselves, to take the time to understand how we're feeling, what we need, in order to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be.

Cory’s work has transformed my relationship with myself.
When we first met I was struggling with physical fatigue which was triggering my autoimmune issues. Fast forward 3 years later and my health is the best it’s ever been. Cory is so insightful and encouraging and I leave every meeting with gems I take into action into my daily life. I’m grateful for her wisdom and her continued support
Angela O'Brien
Founder, Cleobella + mom of a 9 and 12 year old

In the simplest terms, therapy digs into your past to find out why you are the way you are; coaching focuses on the future and where you are going.
In ways of working: a therapist is typically more of a sounding board, where a coach is more hands on, exploring the issues with you, and offering solutions.

Not sure you want to commit to a whole coaching package yet? Try one session out and see how it feels
This is a one-time, 90-minute session where we work on a specific issue you're dealing with. We deep dive and get you to a new understanding, clarity and next steps.
For Example:
I want to be happy but I can't because...
I want more money and ease in my life but it's just not happening because...​
I know I'm ready to take the next step but I don't know what's holding me back...
Investment: $150
You know you're ready to dive in and get some relief? Ongoing support might be just what you need
3-month program that includes 6 private coaching sessions which take place every other week.
Sessions are strategically balanced and curated into digestible sessions to work with your busy schedule.
Each session is custom tailored to your specific needs and packed with tools and insights to help you navigate your life.
Text and email support
Investment: $750
(can be paid in installments)
"Best thing I could have done for myself"
"This needs to be available to all moms! The things I learned about myself are invaluable".
Betsy (mom of a 4 year old)

My Game Changer session with Cory was exactly what I needed to bring me clarity, and help me realize what I needed to do to take action on my new career path. Cory helped me realize what has been holding me back to date, and I left the session with a sense of clear direction, and excitement. Coaches need coaches too!
Thank you Cory.
Andrea MacNeil
Health + Fitness Coach, Fit On Tour. Vancouver
I feel the need to mention that I cried like 3 times while I was journaling. Mommas helping mommas learn how to love being mommas. My hormones cannot handle it. I'm so SO SO thankful for Conscious Mama."
Kari Tarr
Nomadic Mama of a 3 year old + founder of Kari-On Baggage